Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Calling as a Mom!

Hey girls!  We started last Monday with the question, "is all well in your home?"  Maybe it is time to do a review of our job description!

2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes the days that we are living in right now.  We are fighting against those sins in our families.  Here's a scary thought: 85% of your child's character is developed between the ages of 0-5.

What's a mother to do? We need to realize that being a full-time wife and mother is a calling that requires a high level of commitment, the right perspective (think eternity) and a Biblical value system.  What calling could be more significant or more glorifying to God?  As an older mom, I have to say that I would do it all over again.  It has been the delight of my heart.

Every day, you are making a permanent difference in your children's lives.  As a mom, you:

Impart values
Stimulate creativity
Develop compassion
Modify weaknesses and
Nurture strengths

God wants to use your ministry to your family to influence the world for Christ.  Our little ones are disciples in our midst! You may be raising the next Chris Tomlin or Mother Theresa!

God commands us to minister to our children in the following verses...please look them up, highlight them and put them on a card to memorize!
Deut 4:9 and Deut 6:2-7
Ps 78:5-8
2 Tim 1:5 and 2 Tim 3:15

God just loves to see a family serving Him and bringing Him glory throughout the generations!  You are leaving a legacy and it is important to know what type of legacy you want to leave.  Make sure you are purposefully and intentionally leaving a godly legacy.  Don't be at the mercy of the culture and leave a legacy by default!

Remind yourself that you daily contribute to the cause of Christ through your children. You will touch few lives with more intensity than the children God has placed in your home!

Do you have a constructive , long range vision for your children? Where do you see your children/family in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? 40 years?  Next Monday, Connie is going to share in great detail concerning family vision.   Here are some ideas that will jump start your thinking towards vision!

Begin with what God values most!

1-Relationship with God and with others!

Matt. 20:26-28
1 Sam 16:7
Luke 16:15
1 Pet 3:4
What are your goals for your children? Achievements for outward show (pleasing man) or developing his inner character (pleasing God)

3-Spend time with you children.  Quality time is a myth. Spend tons of time with them. Who gets the best of you? Is it your family? Be kinder to your children. Here is a quote I love from Wilfred Peterson :

"We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the heart-love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness. We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the mind-ideas, dreams, purposes, ideals, principles, plans, inventions, projects, poetry.We give of ourselves when we give gifts of words-encouragement, inspiration, guidance."

Emerson said it well- "Rings and jewels are not gifts but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself."

Here are a few suggestions for you:

Don't take your children for granted.
Listen to your child and consider his feelings and ideas.
Validate their feelings. Don't you like it when people validate yours?
Give them recognition and compliments that are age appropriate.  No empty praise, like, "you're a pretty little girl. "
Accept and love them unconditionally.  That is how God parents us.
Avoid at all costs, comparing them to other children.
Discipline them fairly and privately.
Play with them.
Forgive them and don't ever be too proud to ask for their forgiveness when you wrong them. They need to see that modeled.

I am not sure who said this but I like it:  "Hold a crown a couple of inches above their heads and encourage them to grow into it. "  Cast a vision for your child and help them move towards the goal.  If you don't set the vision, the world will certainly be glad to do it!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you!  2 Cor. 13:14

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