Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whew! What a summer! I am so glad for Fall and the routine it brings with it!  I am looking so forward to football, boots, orange leaves, fires in the fireplace, fairytale pumpkins and walks on chilly days!!!

I have had a couple of life-changing experiences lately that I wanted to share with you.  I have been reading a book series by Lynn Austin called Chronicles of the Kings.  It is five books based on the lives of King Ahaz,  King Hezekiah and his successor, Manasseh, his son.  I don't know about you, but whenever I spend any time in Chronicles or Kings, I am clueless.  One king is bad, the next one is good, the next one is evil, the next one follows God and so on.  Austin follows the scripture carefully as she weaves the fictional part of the story. She quotes pages and pages of scripture and all of the action happens chronologically. Isaiah and Micah share their prophecies with the Kings throughout the story.  I have always loved the book of Isaiah but never really knew where it fit in.  Now, it all makes sense and the Bible is more alive to me than ever before! The stories in the Bible are way more captivating than anything we could ever see on TV or at the movies.  If you love stories with romance, war, violence, and dysfunctional relationships, then the Bible is for you!!

I was talking with my dear friend, Doris, last week. She is my new best friend at Sav-A-Life.   She suggested that I get a Chronological Bible so that I could read the Bible in historical order.  All the details, all the discussion, all the Scripture, all the events in order as it happened!  So, I went to Amazon immediately and ordered a New Kings James Version Chronological Study Bible and a New Living Translation One Year Chronological Bible.  It is like reading the Bible with fresh eyes and it has been amazing! God is so good to us to reveal Himself to us in new ways.

My daughter-in-law, Ashley and my husband, Rusty are on book one of the series and they love it.  My daughter, Mary Margaret, has finished the series and we were talking about it the other day.  These books have had a dramatic impact on her walk with Lord.  I am so thankful for good Christian authors. If you liked the Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers, you will love Austin's books. It is very similar. Really, you will love Chronicles of the Kings, no matter what! A life lived for the Lord is just so sweet and such a joyful adventure.  To God be all the Glory!

"But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness." Psalm 86:15

I pray that God will reveal Himself to you in new and exciting ways this week!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Everything You Need to Know about Parenting!

The Lord put some wonderful things on Connie's heart to share with the group today.  Connie has one of the most precious hearts of anyone I have ever known.  We are all so blessed to call her friend.

Connie began her talk today with a wonderful quote from Parenting Today's Adolescents by Dennis and Barbara Rainey: (one of the best books ever, you need it in your library!)

"Every child should be helped to understand that life is a dynamic relationship with God that overflows in love to other people-a love that the Holy Spirit uses to reconcile the lost to God. EVERYTHING else, as good or innocuous as it may be, is only a prop to facilitating this mission. "

Connie reminded us that we are on a mission as a parent.  Our children are our mission field. Even the angels must envy the job we have as parents-the stewardship of a child's soul. It is an amazing calling, indeed.

If we can provide a godly environment in our homes, then our children will have a better foundation to grow in wisdom and godliness even though the world around them is crumbling morally.  Connie suggested setting biblical goals for your children.  Some examples would be helping them memorize short verses of scripture or responding to them and to your circumstances with timely scripture.  You may want to help them memorize the books of the Bible. There is a song for that, I think. You may want to spend a season discussing the Fruits of the Spirit or the Sermon on the Mount or the Book of James.  Whatever goals you set, pray those goals over them and for them.  Your home should be a little mini seminary!

We also discussed our greatest fears concerning our children.  God did not bless your quiver so you could walk around crying and trembling. Fear , my dears, is from your enemy. Fear is evil because it shows that we don't trust God completely in that area.  Connie shared that she had to mentally imagine some of her worst fears coming true to be set free from fear. Look your fear in the face and place the cross of Christ in front of it and it will cease to have dominion over you.   What if ( fill in the blank) happens?  Well, if it happens, it has first been sifted through the righteous right hand of your heavenly Father and since He is Redeemer, He will take that and use it for His glory and your good.  That's just how He is and He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. So it's all good. Whatever you walk through, He will not allow the flames to burn you or the waves to overcome you.  He will only give you what you can handle and His grace is enough. Period. The trials build your faith.  It is really kind of cool to be in a place where the only hope you have is if God gives you a miracle.  Surrender everything to the Lord and since He's faithful, it is not in His character to let you down! EVER!

We discussed apologizing to your kids and asking them to forgive you for your mistakes. You are not perfect and you will make mistakes everyday but by God's grace, your children will be fine.  Don't be proud with your kids. Let them see you humble yourself and admit you were wrong. It will endear them to you, trust me! God shows us grace and mercy and we should offer that mercy and grace to our kids.  They will then , in turn, offer it to you, when you mess up!

It is so important to relinquish control to the Lord.  Even though you may be with your child 24/7, you are in control of zilch. Our times are in God's hands.  All you can do is provide a godly home, unconditional love and pray about everything.  Your children will make mistakes and it is our job to help them get back up under the umbrella of protection by making things right with God and with you.   Provide a loving atmosphere to receive the Prodigal , over and over. Isn't that what God does with us?  There is nothing that we could ever do to separate us from the love of God and our kids need to know that we will love them no matter what they do. We love them because of who they are, not because of what they do or don't do.  This type of relationship lays a foundation for a great  relationship that they will want to preserve as they get older.

We touched a little on educating our children. Connie suggested beginning with the end in mind: at the end of your child's schooling, the question should not be "how much does he know?" it should be, "how much does he care?'

Connie brought several of her favorite books to share with us:
The Book of Virtues for Boys and Girls by Wiiliam J Bennett  I read this to mine, too!
 God's People Follow Him, Bible Nurture and Reader Series by Rod and Staff Publishers
The Educated Child by William J Bennett
"You Can't Make Me" by Cynthia Tobias  (for the strong willed child)

This was our last lesson on parenting, but if some issues or questions come up this week, write them down and we will talk about it next week.  The 16th and the 23rd of April are going to be on marriage. The 30th of April will be a brunch to wrap up our time together.  Write down any questions you may have about marriage and you can turn them in anonymously and we will discuss!

Love to all! Have a great week! JoAnne

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Words of wisdom from Tammy Hodges

Yesterday was an awesome day in small group! It is so good to see everyone each week and to see Tarayn, Laura Gail and Aimee growing and glowing!

We had such a special time with Tammy Hodges yesterday.  All of you had so many good questions for her on marriage and parenting.  Tammy shared many of her secrets for success in marriage and parenting but so much of her success has to be attributed to her precious relationship with the Lord.   Tammy's strong faith in the Lord has always been her anchor.

All of you had some really good questions for Tammy and she shared several points that are key in their family.   Family starts with marriage and the main priority of the family is for it to be marriage-centered and not child-centered.  While this may sound selfish at the outset, it is truly the best way to give your children the security they so desperately need. It also prevents them from believing they are entitled to everything as adults. Tammy encouraged us to make a date night with your husband a priority .  When your children are young, you really need that time to reconnect to your spouse at the end of the week and your husband needs to know that you respect him and appreciate him.

Tammy shared that she and Chris have done a combination of homeschool, private Christian school and public school.  I know that a lot of you want your answers now and you want to know what the future holds, but as Tammy said, you have to rely on God to lead the way for each child individually.  And, it may change from year to year because the children and their needs change. God will guide you and you must seek Him and keep your spiritual ears open for His direction concerning each step of the way.

We talked a lot about discipline.  This is another area where you need to seek God . What works for your oldest may not work for your youngest or your middle child.   We all agreed that whatever method of discipline you use, you must be consistent and the discipline must sting them .  It cannot be pain-free.  We all learn the most effectively from painful experiences.  Our goal becomes to avoid the actions that brought on the pain!

The truth of the matter of parenting is that God loves our children more than we do and when we, as parents, fall short and make mistakes, God's amazing, endless grace will take over and make all the crooked paths straight.  God knows your hearts ladies and He knows that you want to raise your children to be Kingdom movers and shakers and He is personally committed to seeing that happen.  The very best parenting book on the market is the one you already have...The Bible!  All the guidance you will ever need for life is found on those pages.

I pray that you will experience miracles all week long and enjoy precious times in God's presence this Easter week.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Reclaiming the Family Dinner Table with Paula Deen's editor Alyce Head!

Hey friends! It has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged. I had surgery to put in two pins to fix my wrist on March 15th and I have finally learned how to type in a cast! The surgery went well but I covet your prayers for healing . I stay in the cast for eight more weeks and then more surgery to remove the pins . Then three-four months of physical therapy.

Last week, our group was so blessed to host the one, the only and my hero, Alyce Head.  Anyone who knows Alyce knows that when God was giving out gifts, she was in the very front of the line! She paints, she cooks, she sews. She is also working for Paula Deen's magazine.  She loves the Lord with such passion and she uses her creative gifts and energy to encourage women to make their home a place of blessing to all who dwell there.

Our main topic was the importance of the family dinner table in today's rushed and hurried world.
Alyce shared lots of statistics with us concerning the importance of healthy communication at the family dinner table.  Children who don't have a safe and secure place to share their hearts are much more likely to commit suicide, have a child outside of marriage, have eating disorders and have problems with drug and alcohol abuse.  Regular family meal times produce emotionally healthy children, better communication skills, higher self-esteem and better performance in school work.  They also learn some wonderful etiquette and table manners!

Alyce reminded us that the most important thing was getting everyone together.Do not stress over the meals or you will fail at developing this tradition. The meals do not have to be new every week or elegant.  She suggested that we set a regular menu such as taco bar night, pizzas, hamburgers, soup and sandwiches, breakfast for dinner and pasta.  Keep the pantry stocked and know ahead of time what will be for dinner that night. If you have a ball game, then pack sandwiches and have a meal together at the ballpark!  This is also SO much healthier!

As we have talked about before, we are really in a fight against the modern culture.  Society no longer values the  traditional family.  If America is going to survive as a nation, families have to survive.  If the enemy of our souls can get us convinced that we don't have time to sit down once a day with each other, we are going to lose the battle. Our children need to know that the world and it's values may be spinning out of control, but mama and daddy will be at the table at dinnertime and there will be a good supper, good conversation and lots of life-giving encouragement. Giving your children this kind of stability is a gift and a legacy.

There are also many games that can be played at the table.  Scripture cards can be placed there and memorized. Prayer can be caught and taught at the table.  Discipleship will take place as you discuss what happens each day.

My challenge for today: What does your dinnertime look like? What can you do to improve it and make it a blessing to your family?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

God’s vision for your family

We talked a lot about our vision for our family and even the vision that our parents or 
grandparents planted inside of us while we were growing up. What does God say about 
that vision? Make sure that in doing a personal assessment of the vision that it is not an 
inner vow, but a goal that you would like to set that provides freedom as well as security 
and not fear. 

Habakkuk 2:2-3 “And the Lord answered me and said, write the vision and engrave it so 
plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may read as he hastens by. For the vision 
is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end; it will not deceive or disappoint. 
Though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come; it will not be late on its appointed 

Seek the Lord in praise and prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to confirm or rebirth a new 
vision for your family. Remember that every family will end up somewhere, but only a few 
will end up somewhere on purpose. What if the anchor that held your family steady for 
100 generations began with your mission statement because of your earnest 
determination to provide a compass, a rudder and a telescope to help them stay the 

The child rearing years seem so tedious and frustrating at times, but remember how 
quickly our children leave to create their own families. It seems like just yesterday that I 
was at home with my parents under their love and care. I want to share a poem with you 
that has shaped my mothering and nurturing of my precious babies. 

Speak to us of Children 
And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, "Speak to us of 
And he said: 
Your children are not your children. 
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. 
They come through you but not from you, 
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. 
You may give them your love but not your thoughts. 
For they have their own thoughts. 
You may house their bodies but not their souls, 
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not 
even in your dreams. 
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. 
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. 
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. 
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you 
with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. 
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; 
For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is 
by Kahlil Gibran 

God is the author of the bow and the arrow. We only need to ask for His guidance and 
wisdom to hold the little arrows for such a short time. Even in mid flight, His winds can 
blow on the arrow and will safely deliver it to the target He intended even if we fall short. 
We talked a lot about sibling revolution versus sibling rivalry and the huge importance of 
the sibling relationship mimicking the marital relationship. It is the very first relationship 
that children have outside the authoritative relationship of mother and father. Even if 
you do not have more than one child, it is important to also teach the love and care of 
siblings to them so that they may impart their wisdom to their children for future 

I am so thankful for having a mission statement that our family can refer back to 
especially when the tide seems overwhelming and the water is rough. So many times 
lately in taking care of my own mother I have been able to throw off the things that I have 
felt I needed, and place her in a position of honor and reverence because of a mission 
statement that the Holy Spirit helped Jason and I author almost five years ago. I pray 
that all of you will find the still small voice guiding you now and always. 

The Alexander Family 
Mission, Vision, And Values 
Our Mission 
We are a family that desires to know and serve God by giving away to others each gift He 
has equipped us with; by raising our children in a family that is both a refuge from the 
world and an arrow into the world; by helping each member to develop the Fruits of the 
Spirit, potential and calling; by passing down our belief in God and family with 
leadership, discipleship, humility and integrity. We Finish Strong! 
Our Vision 
We will grow our family through a compassionate ministry by using the gifts and talents 
God has placed within each one of us to help others see the value of their own spirit 
through God’s eyes. 
Our Values 
We are called to: 
Leadership: We will be the hands and feet of Jesus giving all that we have for the 
fulfillment of The Great Commission by integrating excellence and stewardship. 
Discipleship: We will walk daily with Christ to strengthen our spirit so that we may 
overflow God’s love to each one God places in our path. 
Integrity: We will live our lives in front of the audience of heaven with an eternal 
perspective and our eyes on Jesus. 
Humility: We will maintain the strength of our family in a quiet confidence and 
contentment while being fully aware that the Holy Spirit lives and operates in each one 
of us. 

Family Verse: Ephesians 3:17-20 
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow 
down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, 
as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May 
you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you 
will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. NLT

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Your Calling as a Mom!

Hey girls!  We started last Monday with the question, "is all well in your home?"  Maybe it is time to do a review of our job description!

2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes the days that we are living in right now.  We are fighting against those sins in our families.  Here's a scary thought: 85% of your child's character is developed between the ages of 0-5.

What's a mother to do? We need to realize that being a full-time wife and mother is a calling that requires a high level of commitment, the right perspective (think eternity) and a Biblical value system.  What calling could be more significant or more glorifying to God?  As an older mom, I have to say that I would do it all over again.  It has been the delight of my heart.

Every day, you are making a permanent difference in your children's lives.  As a mom, you:

Impart values
Stimulate creativity
Develop compassion
Modify weaknesses and
Nurture strengths

God wants to use your ministry to your family to influence the world for Christ.  Our little ones are disciples in our midst! You may be raising the next Chris Tomlin or Mother Theresa!

God commands us to minister to our children in the following verses...please look them up, highlight them and put them on a card to memorize!
Deut 4:9 and Deut 6:2-7
Ps 78:5-8
2 Tim 1:5 and 2 Tim 3:15

God just loves to see a family serving Him and bringing Him glory throughout the generations!  You are leaving a legacy and it is important to know what type of legacy you want to leave.  Make sure you are purposefully and intentionally leaving a godly legacy.  Don't be at the mercy of the culture and leave a legacy by default!

Remind yourself that you daily contribute to the cause of Christ through your children. You will touch few lives with more intensity than the children God has placed in your home!

Do you have a constructive , long range vision for your children? Where do you see your children/family in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? 40 years?  Next Monday, Connie is going to share in great detail concerning family vision.   Here are some ideas that will jump start your thinking towards vision!

Begin with what God values most!

1-Relationship with God and with others!

Matt. 20:26-28
1 Sam 16:7
Luke 16:15
1 Pet 3:4
What are your goals for your children? Achievements for outward show (pleasing man) or developing his inner character (pleasing God)

3-Spend time with you children.  Quality time is a myth. Spend tons of time with them. Who gets the best of you? Is it your family? Be kinder to your children. Here is a quote I love from Wilfred Peterson :

"We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the heart-love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness. We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the mind-ideas, dreams, purposes, ideals, principles, plans, inventions, projects, poetry.We give of ourselves when we give gifts of words-encouragement, inspiration, guidance."

Emerson said it well- "Rings and jewels are not gifts but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself."

Here are a few suggestions for you:

Don't take your children for granted.
Listen to your child and consider his feelings and ideas.
Validate their feelings. Don't you like it when people validate yours?
Give them recognition and compliments that are age appropriate.  No empty praise, like, "you're a pretty little girl. "
Accept and love them unconditionally.  That is how God parents us.
Avoid at all costs, comparing them to other children.
Discipline them fairly and privately.
Play with them.
Forgive them and don't ever be too proud to ask for their forgiveness when you wrong them. They need to see that modeled.

I am not sure who said this but I like it:  "Hold a crown a couple of inches above their heads and encourage them to grow into it. "  Cast a vision for your child and help them move towards the goal.  If you don't set the vision, the world will certainly be glad to do it!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you!  2 Cor. 13:14

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meet Rachel Stafford, the Hands Free Mama!

Yesterday, we had the awesome privilege of hearing from Rachel Stafford of the Hands Free Mama movement!  Just 18 months ago, while running,  Rachel had a breakthrough moment with God and realized that she was "doing it all"but it was costing her everything. Too many "good" things were coming her way and she had no time left to pursue the things that really mattered.  She had spread herself so thin and knew she was missing out on so much.  She cried out to God for help and He said to her, "if you let go of the distractions of life, I will let you experience joy, peace, and connection with me and with others every day. "  She listened to God and her life has never been the same.

She has started a revolution and after hearing her speak yesterday, I consider myself to be President of her fan club!!! Her passion is to help women take back their lives by letting go of the modern day distractions to focus on what really matters.  She challenged us to spend more time with God so that we can learn about ourselves and our purpose for being on the planet.  There are so many large (but good) distractions in life, such as volunteering in your church, your school and your community.  When asked to do a job, pray about it. See if you were specifically made to do that job, or is it for someone else? Don't be afraid to say "no." If you say "no",  the person asking will simply move to the next person on the list!  If you don't protect your time, who will?  Rachel asked us to answer this question for ourselves : " What must I do in my lifetime before I die? " Smart girl, she is. She is viewing the end from the beginning with her eyes on the prize.  Her answer to the question is to be a present mom and to use her God-given gifts to help people.

What is a present mom?  A present mom is a "hands free" mom. Put down the cell phone, put down the tv remote, close the laptop and make eye contact with your children and your spouse!  Be free of the compulsion to check all of your devices and updates! Turn off the notifications! Rachel speaks in elementary schools and it broke our hearts yesterday when she shared the stories of young children who felt so neglected because their parents preferred technology over them!!  Put away your "to-do" list, get on some old clothes, go outside with your children and play!  Think of your death bed.  Do you want your children to remember you as a good tweeter or facebooker or as a mom who shared her time and her life with you?

I apologize here if I am sounding a little harsh. I know a lot of you moms are so young and have grown up with technology but take it from an older mom.  I would give my right arm to be able to go back to the Cove, when my children were little and play outside with them.  Once those days are gone, you can't get them back.  You can tweet, facebook, blog, cook, sew, volunteer, read, etc when you are an empty nester.  I am looking at my nest being empty in 17 months and let's just say, that I am not doing too well. In fact, I am really struggling with it.

Rachel left us with a challenge. Here it is. Get a piece of paper. Write two columns.  On one side write "I am farthest from grasping what matters when...."  On the other side write "I am closest to grasping what matters when...."   I pray that this will be a day of revelation for you. Start today and make a little progress every day!   Rachel's blog can be found at  She has hundreds of entries with hundreds of suggestions for becoming "hands free." Read it today and start your journey!  Thank you Rachel, for being a light to thousands of mamas who want to pursue what really matters!

I pray today that your life will be as wonderful as it was in the mind of God when He created you.  Remember, you don't have to be perfect to be wonderful!

Every blessing and lots of love,


Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hearing from the Lord and a word about words

Happy dreary day to my girls!  I just want to get a blanket, make hot chocolate and take a nap!  But that will come later. I want to get these notes out to ya'll and especially to Jessica who missed yesterday! Hope Sally Caroline is feeling much better!

Yesterday was a great day in our group. I really felt the presence of the Lord in our discussions.  This group has been so precious because you all love the Lord and are so vulnerable and open with each other.  I always look forward to Mondays.

We finished our talk on prayer yesterday.  We learned that God is personally committed to revealing Himself to you.  As we spend time in His presence, our questions about life and our circumstances grow dim in His glorious light.  We are changed when we stay there in the light. Our circumstances may not ever change, but our perspectives will because of time spent with the Lord.  Your solitude with the Lord directly affects the ministry and service that you are able to do.  If you have not met with the Lord, your ministry will be full of your flesh.  We need to be filled up with the Holy Spirit so that we will overflow into the lives of others.

Solitude qualified several heroes of the faith for service.  Moses was in Midian for 40 years before he encountered the burning bush. Joseph was is Pharoah's prison for years before he was called up to interpret a dream.  David was annointed to be King as a shepherd boy and was not appointed king until he was 40.  In their times of solitude, they learned that they were to be led by the Lord and not by their own agendas.  Their calling (just like yours) was too great to be left to their own agendas.  Solitary time with the Lord readies us for all the chaos of life.

Here are some verses on solitude in scripture:

Prov. 8:34-35
Ps. 25:9
Ps. 73:24
Ps. 32:8
Ps. 46:10
Is. 30:15 (one of my faves)

As you meet with the Lord, He is committed to counseling you, Spirit to spirit, based on the following verses:

Jer. 6:16
Ps. 91:1
Matt. 11:28
Mark 6:31
Is. 50:4
Jer. 1:12
Ps. 23:2-3 (A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller is a great book!)

The key to hearing from the Lord is to quiet your heart, be still and listen. Read gently with no agenda.  Clear your mind and don't be anxious.  Just listen with your spirit.  Ask the Lord to show you and He will. Write down what he says.

John 16:14 tells us that the Holy Spirit is the teacher in the lives of Christians. Under his guidance, the words of biblical revelation become a living word for each of us. As we study the scriptures, the Spirit gives us insight into their meanings. The Holy Spirit is with you every time you study the Word leading you into all truth.

We had a really thorough discussion of spiritual warfare prayer based on Eph. 6:10-18.  It is crucial to make much of our Lord and little of our enemy.  Satan is real and his m. o.  is to kill, steal and destroy, but everything that he brings against us MUST bow to the name of Jesus, Phil. 2: 9-11.  Here are some good books on spiritual warfare:

Prayers that Outwit the Enemy   Chuck D. Pierce This book is very good
Prayer and Spiritual Warfare  E. M. Bounds  Every book by Bounds is outstanding

So, over the last few weeks, we have learned that a true disciple of Christ:
*enforces the victory he has on a consistent basis
*lives in the presence of God through the Holy Spirit, and
*prays intentionally

Next, we shifted over to a quick study on our words!

You create your world with the words that you speak.  2 Cor. 5:20 tells us that we are Christ's ambassadors.  That is a very huge deal. We speak for the King of Heaven...we let Him speak through us.

God SPOKE creation into being.  Jesus changed lives with just a few words: "Lazarus, come out!", "Be clean", "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk" just to name a few!

Our words are of utmost importance because we either speak life or death every single time we open our mouths.  We can change lives with our words, just like Jesus did.  He said in Jn. 14:12 that we are going to do even greater things than he did because we have the power of the Holy Spirit. Here are a few scriptures on the power of words:

Prov. 18:21
Rom 4:17
Matt. 12:34
Prov. 4:23
Prov. 12:18
Prov. 31:26
Eph. 4:29
Matt. 12: 36-37
James 3: 9-10

Words and conversation reflect the spiritual condition of the speaker. A sin-dominated person will utter evil; the good person devoted to and saved by God will utter good. On judgment day our words spoken in our lifetime will truly reflect who we are.  Nothing should escape our mouth that is not praise to God in some way. Once a word is spoken and heard, it cannot be retrieved. Its effect will run its often destructive course.  I highly recommend The Power of Your Words by Robert Morris.

Next week, we welcome Rachel Stafford of Hands Free Mama as our speaker.  Her blog can be found here.  She is going to bring us a great word! If any of you want to stay for prayer ministry after any of our meetings, Connie and I would love that.

In closing, I want to bless you with victory over the enemy, from Sylvia Gunter's Blessing your Spirit book.....

Sweet girls of mine, I bless you with the joy of regularly seeing Satan's plans to destroy people turned upside down and God bringing good out of painful circumstances. I bless you with seeing the problems Satan brings into the world used by God to reveal new wisdom, grace, strength, and freedom , as God makes a public spectacle of his enemy and yours. I bless you with God's perspective on pain and suffering. I bless you with partnering with God for his purposes, using problems as a platform to see him work in ways that are unmistakably God. I bless you in the name of the One who triumphed on the cross.

Have a wonderful week! J

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Daily Walk with Christ....abiding in the Father's love for us

Today was a great day in the small group but we missed Catherine, Meredith and Karen! Just read this blog post to catch up and hopefully, all the sickness will be gone and we will be back together next week.

We started off today with a quick you tube video by Graham Cooke.  It is called The Missing Piece, Part 1. It is only four or five minutes long, so watch it if you can. Graham Cooke is one of my favorite pastors and teachers.   John 15:5-8 was our basic text for today.  God intends for us to bear fruit and this is possible only by living in constant, prayerful relation to Christ.  We need to understand what is important to Him and that must be the foundation of the relationship. Don't bring your religious "to do" list to Jesus and ask Him to bless it.  Anything done without abiding in Christ does not count towards the fruit. It will be thrown out like wood, hay and straw and it will not last for eternity.  Fruit-bearing depends on remaining in Christ and drawing from His sustaining grace.  We must let the Father, the Master Gardener cut wrong practices and habits out of our lives so we can bear much fruit. Branches not in Christ die and are placed in the fire to burn.  God is refining us so that we will be transformed into the image of Christ.


 The foundation of the abiding relationship is God's love for us. Not our love for God.  Christ's message, death and resurrection is founded on His love for us.  Our love for God is often undependable and changes in intensity.  We don't have to strive in our flesh to abide in Him.  All we have to do is to live intentionally in His love for us! It is all about Him...not us. It is all about who He is.   1 John 4:16-18 says that to be in Christ is to be in God and by being in Christ, we will live a lifestyle that is characterized by divine love.  Pray to know and experience more and more of the depths of His love.  His love will change us from the inside out.  Eph. 3:18 tells us that Jesus loves us more than we can begin to understand.  Ask the Lord to give you a heart that longs to be one with Him.  You can rest and rejoice that this abiding relationship is founded on God's love for us . The only thing you need to do is intentionally stay, remain and rest there.  Living in this posture should change your perspective on life.  Circumstances may still be bad, but you see them through the lens of His love.

We talked a lot about how to enter into this relationship.  It does not happen just because you get up early and read the one-year-Bible and a devotional reading.  It is a very intentional act of proclaiming who God is, committing your day to Him, confessing your sin to Him and enjoying His presence.  It is resting in Him and receiving His love. It is being very still and quiet and listening to what He has to say to you.  To enter into this relationship should not cause a lot of stress for you.  It is fine to get up, make your coffee, put on the praise music and just be still before the Lord.  As you start to wake up and pray some of these verses, do so very gently and let the Lord lead you in the direction He wants to take you for the morning.  Some days will be filled with tears. Some will be filled with exhuberant joy. Some days He will just hold you close.  It won't always look the same. The Holy Spirit knows what you need for the day and He does a great job of guiding us.  When you start your day, be sure and call your Spirit to the fore front and tell your soul and your body to sit down,  and that the Spirit man will be in charge today!

In the morning, I like to start the day by declaring and proclaiming who He is and by blessing His name.  Some verses that help me with this are listed below: I have all of these verses on a spiral flip notebook.
Ps. 92:1-2
Ps 118:24
Ps 89:1-2
Lam 3: 21-23
Ps 33:22
Ps 32:10
Ps 84:11
Ps 147:11
Prov 9:10

I commit my day to Him by declaring these sure to say all of these out loud!
Jn 15:7-8
Ps 32:8
Col 3:2 Col 3:17 Col 3:23-24
1 Cor 10:31
Prov 16:3
Gal 2:20
Gal 5:16

Next move on to a time of confession. Ask God to reveal each and every sin so that you may confess it to Him.
Ps 139:23-24
1 Jn 1:9
Prov 28:13
This is also a great time for positive confession. Confess out loud who you are in Christ.
Read Song of Solomon 2:15.  The little foxes are weeds.  Ask yourself "what is the fastest growing weed in my life?"  If you continue to confess the same sin over and over, that just might be a weed that needs to go!

Next, it is time to move into intercession.  Pray for the things that are on God's heart.  Pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done . Ask God for an open heaven over certain situations, relationships, cities, nations, the lost, etc. Pray God's Word and insert a name in the verse!  As I pray for my family everyday, I use several different resources.  I love Prayer Portions by Sylvia Gunter and have used it for years. I also pray the Prayer of Jabez (1 Chron. 4:10) from a prayer book by Sylvia. She has written 31 different prayers based on that verse. One for each day of the month. It is also very important to put on the full armor of God for the day.  It can be found in Eph. 6:10-18.

I enjoy praying from Stormie Omartian's books, too.  I highly recommend the Power of a Praying Wife and the Power of a Praying Parent.   It was suggested today that we buy the Power of a Praying Husband for our husbands for Valentine's Day! I also pray from Praying the Scriptures for your Children and Praying the Scriptures for your Teenagers by Jodie Berndt. There are so many great prayer books out there. The main thing is to pray the Word.  I pray Psalm 91 over my family every day.  Some other devotion books that really challenge me and bless me are My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (updated version) and Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowan is an awesome little book, too.  Come Away My Beloved by Frances Roberts (today's language) is another favorite of mine.  Blessing your Spirit by Sylvia Gunter has probably changed my life more than any other book I have ever read.  It is simply amazing.  Sylvia is very annointed.

Liz also mentioned the CD "Home" by Laura Woodley for soaking in His presence.  I use Pandora and sometimes I use  Connie shared the website for the personal promise Bible. This company actually prints a Bible for you with your name inserted into the verses! So cool!

When you finish praying, it is very important to thank God for the complete confidence that we have in Him based on 1 Jn 5:14-15  All believers have the guidance of the Holy Spirit when they pray. God will answer when the Christian asks according to His will.

I know how tired we are when it is bed time and it is hard to have a meaningful prayer time when you are bone tired and sleepy.  No matter how tired you are, be sure to thank God at the end of the day for His protection, His provision and His faithfulness in your family that day. It is so important to be thankful and to tell him how grateful you are for His presence in your life.

Next week , we will finish up prayer and watch a Graham Cooke DVD.  I pray that the Lord will bless your marriage through the marriage conference this weekend.

Every blessing,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Continuation of our life as a Disciple of Christ

Hey girls!  Today was just awesome for me.  Welcome to Kristen, Karen, Tarayn, Holli and Meredith!  You are such wonderful additions to the group and Connie and I are so glad you have joined us!

We started off with the verse from Is. 40:11.  This is a great reminder for you when your enemy is trying to beat you up or when you slip back into being legalistic and not free!  God tenderly leads you. He understands that you were up all night with a sick baby and have not bathed or eaten a full meal in ten days.  He knows, He cares and He is not keeping a tally.  Be free!

Jesus said in Jn. 4:34: "My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish his work."  Jesus was focused on God's purpose and calling for his life.  Liz pointed out 1 Cor. 3: 8-15 which discusses what types of things will last for eternity. The works of the believer will be tested according to the quality of the work-NOT THE QUANTITY! Reward is promised those whose service is of enduring quality. Matt. 25:14-30 shows a direct relationship between faithfulness on earth and serving God in eternity. We are judged according to what we did with what we are given. DO NOT compare yourself with others-this is just an insult to God.  The only things that last forever are the Word of God and the souls of men.  So, I guess all that smocking, volunteer work, committees, clubs, shopping, self-imposed minutia, retweets,  etc really will not stand the test of fire. With every decision we make, we are either spending our lives or investing our lives for eternity! Swimming upstream in this culture will not be easy but with God's help, you can do it! So, girls, just say "no" to all the keeping up with the Joneses and once again, be free!

Jesus says that we must completely relinquish three areas of our lives to Him:

People-Luke 14:26-27, Gal. 1:10 and Matt. 10:37-39  We are to be devoted to no human relationship above our love and devotion to the Lord.

Pursuits-Luke 9:23-24, Phil. 1:21 Your ambition is listening to and obeying Christ.

Possessions-1 Tim. 6:6-10, Matt. 6:24, Mark 4:18-19

So how do I balance everything with so many different things vying for my attention and my time?  You scan everything that comes up through this filter:

Your activities should fit the following 4 criteria:
1) Your first priority is to further the kingdom of heaven
2)You should be in step with the season of your life.
3)Answer to the important and not the urgent.  (Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles Hummel)
4)Speak to your passions-the things that God put inside of you that you were meant to do!

Only do what only you can do!!!!!

I think that every disciple's number one priority should be time alone with worship Him, to bless Him, to hear from Him and to just sit with Him.  St. Augustine prayed: "Lord, let me know you and let me understand myself."  Don't you think the best way to understand yourself is by listening to your Creator?

Christ is our example as He often withdrew from the crowds to pray and spent time with His Father while it was still dark.  His promises are found in solitude. Your life, who you are in God and your destiny is at stake.  You need to have a world to one's own for the sake of others.  If you are not filled to overflow, you are not going to bless the people you are around and call forth the song that is inside of them!  Daniel 11:32 says : " the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. "

Disciplining ourselves in such a way to make this a reality in our lives can be done based on Heb. 11:6. It is our faith in who God is that enables us to forfeit control of our lives and be led by the Holy Spirit.  Life is so sweet and so beautiful when we do it God's way and not our way. Our way is wood, hay and straw.  God knows best.  I know so many of you enjoyed the fast and the intimacy you felt with the Lord during that time. Guess what? Just because the fast is over does not mean that your intimacy and growth in the Lord has to stop!  Be disciplined and keep up the same pace.  Every month for the rest of our lives can be like January at Highlands! Connie mentioned the classic book, Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster.  He covers meditation, prayer, fasting , study, simplicity, solitude, submission, service, confession, worship, guidance and celebration. It is not a long book and well worth your attention.

We moved next into the Father's love for us!  Be sure to go to and just let that bless you.  Then read Psalm 103 as your response back to the Lord. " Who is God to you? " is the single most important question of your life. I recommended Hallowed be Thy Names by David Wilkerson and there are several handouts from today with the many names of God.  His name is "I am" and He can meet any and every need you will ever have!  I forgot to mention one outstanding book to you.  It is The Good and Beautiful God by James Smith.  I led a small group with that book one time and it is amazing . He has also written The Good and Beautiful Life (based on the Sermon on the Mount) and The Good and Beautiful Community.  I highly recommend all of these.  I buy all of my books at 2nd and Charles in Hoover (great used Christian section in the back) and Amazon, fyi.

We agreed that we are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus based on 2 Cor. 5:21.

As you have some free time, try to watch Craig Groeshel's sermon, "God is Father" from 6/21/09 and "Who is He" from February or March of 2005.  Read your handouts and commit some of these verses to memory!  Next week , we are going to talk about our daily walk with Christ.

Have a joyful week!  JoAnne

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Way to a Heavenly Home

Hey there small group girls!  Here's the promised post about becoming a fully-devoted follower of Christ.  Included in this post are a few of my favorite things, just so you will know me a little better!

Yesterday, we discussed a lot from Luke 14: 26-35. In this passage of scripture, Jesus starts off by talking about Him and the Kingdom of God having first place in your life. In verse 26, the word "hate" means that you must love others less and that Jesus must be 1st!  This word indicates a total rejection of anything and anyone who would block our absolute commitment to Jesus as Lord.   If you are this kind of disciple, family members and friends may not understand you.  You are in for a lifetime of swimming upstream against the culture of this world.

Discipleship is a full-time job placed before all other priorities and responsibilities. We are to be devoted, obedient followers of Christ.  Nothing (husband, children, job, home, exercise, social things, etc) comes before Christ.  We are to accept Christ as our Master and all of his teaching as commands.  Have you in faith given up everything for Christ?  I urge you to pray about this in the coming week.  His love for us is so radical that any response other than this falls so short of the glory that He deserves.  You can trust Him totally.  I pray that you will rest in that and let His peace overtake you.

Discipleship is also a call to total involvement in the work of Christ.  Make sure that you count the cost of this , as well.  Regular church attendance does not qualify as total involvement.  It means that Christ's mission is your personal mission, too!  Jesus came "to preach good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. " Is. 61: 1-2  and Luke 4: 17-19

We also talked about what it means to be the salt of the earth.  Boy, do we need some salt in today's world!  Our life , our work and our influence should flavor and preserve our society.  We are called to get involved in people's lives and in social affairs in order to permeate and preserve society.  We should never withdraw from people to preserve ourselves.  The good news is not for the righteous but for the unrighteous.  Matthew 9: 12 says : " It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick....For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners. " That is Jesus talking.

So if we are going to be disciples in a fallen world, we have to know that troubles will come our way, just because of the sin in this world.  Jesus told his disciples in John 16:33 " In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."   God did not create the world's troubles. He made us free to respond to Him.  In this freedom, if we choose evil, we will experience negative consequences.  But Christ has overcome this fallen world and we share in His victory if we are in Him! Praise be to God.  We overcome the world with a Holy Spirit empowered life!  We put on the full armor of God daily in Eph. 6:10-18 and we take our stand against the enemy of our souls! We exchange our limited minds and our fruitless ambition for the mind and ambition of Christ!  Because we are in Him, we have total access to the INCOMPARABLE resources of heaven!  We are co-heirs with Christ so everything that is His is ours! Right here, right now! All we have to do is walk in it!! Luke 12:32 says "Fear not little flock, it is the Father's pleasure to give you His kingdom."  This is our Jesus talking about our heavenly Father!

Okay, girls. Pray over these verses.  Please speak out loud the Declaration of Victory in Jesus handout that I gave you yesterday. Read in the One Year Bible as often as you can this week and for those of you who will take my challenge, FAST NEGATIVITY and watch your life change in a matter of days!  There is power in our words!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's small group time at Church of the Highlands

I would like to invite all of you young moms to my small group, Heavenly Homes!  It starts January 30th at my house.

We are going to talk about marriage, parenting, prayer, time management, planning, health and a ton more!

This group is going to be a great place to grow spiritually, share ideas, receive prayer and learn how to make your home heavenly!

We will meet at my house on Mondays from 10-12.  There is no child care so find your babysitter and the church will reimburse you for your expenses!  Bring your Bible, a notebook and a heart hungry for the Lord!